April 6.
'vii rev ic-i ic'snissimet.m. J. awl W. S. Brewer, 1,a111,,ael,, glovers- Thei pit and Hague, :ATatieltester,
spinner,: - - Bay ly and lv,. Exeter, „,„t
Frinters-Iteed :Lod hlet4u,i. mdcelield. I huh tta, i-0.11111.11•IiIenVIS -1Viloitwardi
Golioad, Maidhedi"13, ,illt•ruitiorfactiireis and -Gee a al Miieeleslicliheoinnion-iirewi.r--- Mate
and t;reittl'N, 1A1(11Cy, fi'll■lor•manil 1...quill's-- II., .1., acid E. I lamp, he-hire) painters; 11,1 FM' as J. Ilairop-Nloorlionso (Mum, !Welk, coachliiiilders- Earlier and Nlartin, Metcalf awl Nieholialii, Leeds, groccri- 'leaky :wit Swale, Cateldiihie, hatter, ilealtin , cecil Gdatit, Birmingham, butnee
realiers [loon and INewingtoo -.L. J., and 'I'. Nutt,
Ijoeoloshire, faraiers• Itobsta, It•11, Hear qreet. lxieesler SM,'"et cottitlecmtiets ireen and Co. Ili, mist:01am. initietRet arm, of iretegoeils---Itieeleis awl ()ism, inakeis; i, far iv- regards Green- 'mug and ()meal, -A1(11.1. tool Ilateu.11, itoril•fae)0111-SI.Yle alid Cu.
tollett merchant; - and Ii. 'I'Yne 'Alain, Durham, ship-builders;iii fur it, pig:lids all.t Son, Dudley, farriers ',owe tool sons, Gliehter,
iIts; far as regartk G. Lime Charles and Spetteelity. Leeds, pladerers -liars
mid and Sons, tetehatit.,; as relit - Nlassey and Iltilterghant Eaves, Laist:ishire. woratuttspitmers-- It, itml (5. Wwat, Leith) Mei eh:tots-Fraser and Co. Per111, int liters.
VOUNG, Itietintto,,IVandsworth, builder, April 7,
lieu niiiiluiy, JAM EH. Itirmingltani. druggist, In surritmlid Auril 14.111ity 19: solieiters, Messrs. Rickards and Walker, 1nu l'ittlils; anti Mr.. Foster, wolverhaulat.u. • 10140m.r.
11 3ermyn Street, wino-merchant, April 14, May 19: solicitor, Mr. wver, Bow Lane; official assignee, Mr. Meager. Birchin Lane, EmoARB lisneswr. Cheltenham, innkeeper, May 6, 19: solicitors, Messrs. lrriV5 and Co. Chancery Lane. a
couiv.„, Jou.z. JOSEPH, 1,iverpoo1 Street, glass.cutters, April 14, May 19 sokitur, Mr. Leigh, George Street, Mansionhouse ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager. 'Urchin IA110.
Cox, Janis. Nottingham, silk-throwster, April 21, May 19: solicitors, Messrs. ten an •I Hobson. Gray's Inn; end Messrs. Percy awl Co. Nottingham.
Ails Dixet/..1.110SIAS, PreS1011, flour-dealer, April 27. May 19 ; solicitors, Messrs. Adling- na Co. Bede. rd Row: and Tiessrs. Witistanlev and Co. l'reston.
ton a
Flom FREDERICK WILLIAM. Ilirmiugham, architect, April 14, Tiny 19 : solicitors, Idesqs. Anst.en end [lobster, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Reece, Birmingham.
vrls junior, Salford, druggist. April 22, May 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Gsesn't
mei Co. 111041.s Buildings; and Mr. Norris, Alaneliester. nnFrTWtLLIAM. Birmingham, bookseller, April 18. May 19: solicitors, 'Alessi's.Is(IAlr. Mole or Mr. Smith, Birmingham. atol Gilbert:on. Lincoln's Inn ; 1314,1.20water. Imeltneyman. April 2. Mar 19 : solicitors. Alessrs. Pain iii Ilatherly. GI eat Marlborough Street ; and Mr. 1.ovita;t1 I. lirid_wwater. Joan o. Rosner. Barnard Castle, carpet.manallicturer. April 21, May 19 : solicitors,
itarmito Castle ; and Alessrs Blake awl Bediord Row.
K,„. Eton, (Minder. April 14, Aftty 19: solicitms. Messrs. 1:ennett and tifliiial assignee, Mr. Greea, Alderman' airy. grefuiv. Chatham Place, illitekfri,r, Athea.m. patent nail.maiturninrer. April 22. ALty 19 : staka. vs. Alessi,. Smithson inid 1Nlitton, Southampton Building, ; and Messrs:Thomp- son and Cresswell,
AlvitIOANII, WILLIAM. Bolton.le-1,foors, irenfounder. .1pril 22, ',Tay 19: solicitors, Adliogton and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. RI:sloop, Bolton.le•M or Afrrre. 3011:4 GEORCIF.. 'rlIftatIIIIPM110 Street., April 23, May 19 : soli- citors 'Messrs. Coe and Tippetts, Pancras Lam; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, 11isitultill Street.
MILNER, Strelit on-upon-Tees. draper, April 14, May 19: solicitors, Messrs. Adliwnit awl Co. Rolf, rd Row; and Mr. Chew, Manchester. Moapataly, WILIJAM, Derby, engine-manntlicturer, April 23, May 19 : solicitor, Mr. Smith, Chweery Latie,
ONIONS. WILLIAM MICHAEL. Westbrorawielt. ironmonger. April tn. May 19: solicitors, Messrs Alban and Ileabow. Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. Corser, Stottrlaidge. swxr. Wittitti, and Gotsnx, 3ANIF5, Bristol, tailors. April 14, May 19 : solicitors, Mr..larksmi, New Inn; and Messrs. Williams and Barker. Bri let. TYLER. and WILLTA 1Thilley Poll, Staffirdsliiie, coment•manufacturers, April 24. May 19 : si,hitit as Messrs. Clarke and Metcalf, Liacoln s Inn Fields; and Mr. Bennett. Wolverhampton. .lotisr, Eve, merchant. April 23, May 19: solicitors, Messrs.
Liii!ainl Il Bloonishory Stittare ; and NT essrs Cobbold, I pswich. Muster. WILL:AS!, Liverpeol, corn-mereliant. April 29. May 19: solicitors. Messrs. Taylor awl Co. Bedford Row ; 1111d MPEAPS. !mantles and Rubinson, Liverpool.
April 8. Williams Finsbury Square, merliaitt -April 30, Flint. Ludgate Hill, hosier . . and W. Watcrlionse. Lad 1,ene, conch-proprietors-April 30 Hills, Bow. ;;reeer-Aprit 29. 111,1ghinson, Fenchureli Street, merehatit - April 29, Witrilros3, lineitilraper-May 7. Ilnyward. Winelie‘ter, tailor-April Thrmas. Breconshire, timber•merchant -April 30, Shepherd. Leicester, Itosi..r May 14. nick, Barnsley, linen-maintractilrer--M:iy 7. Fopplewell,
stone. Yell:Ai:re. butcher- -Nlay 118. Fox. Barnsley. litien.mannfac lirer- April 30. Mania. 1.i, erptad, wine.clealer- -May 14. Kennedy and Hill. Tdanliilleth. Monmouth, ironananalitentrers-April 29. IL, E., 3., and J. Kendall, Derdend, Warwickshire, perfumers- Aley 4, Ileardman, Manchester. wine-nwrchaut.
robe gyrated. unless reuse be shown fe the offitrary- ,o) or belle° .4Pri/ 9. Pritchard. Foot's Cray. siinzeou-Sowler. Manchestor. bookseller-Gauthorp. Man. c1woer. ebert-Gronnibridge, Abbey Street, Bermondsey. licensed .victualler- NV' 1.:11t CIII er Street. lloundsd itch, clotlies-d■ :Our -Swallow, Nianchester, corn-factor
-II Jermyn Street, soda-water.matinfact niers-Rogerson, Wigan, apothec.iry. SCOTCII SFQUESTIISTIONS• Fa M-FR. JAMES Jolts: Edinburgh. writer to the signet. April 15. May 6.
MAnsti %Lt.. manufacturer. April 10, May I. 11INNvs,1)■.xm.o. Castlemoyle. Skye, mere), Int. April 16, May 14. SCFALES, JAMES, 1.eith, merchant, April 14. May 5.
Friday, April 10. PARTNEWHIPs stssatA.En. Tlert'e Wrazg, New 1.enten, Nottingham-NV. and Wiseman. Kelredon Fosex, IrIs.4m4sters--Ia, age and Alleoek, Birmiughem. edge•tost.matinfactuters-Kelly and Staiter. Runcorn. Cheshire. irotefoundeis- A, and A. Booth. Chester, hut mans• frPmers-MilIs and Newey, Birminghtm, ironmongers-3. and 3. G. Newey, fir- min!llarn. eilt-tovmm.!tifacturels-Pierstai and Trapp, Iledli.rd, bankers-Sultott Co. New Bond Street. looders-Lord am! Beale. Northlant. Sussex. farmers-Smith an.1Croxall, 'Birmingham, wire.workers--G.Idsmid and Co. Chamberlain's Wharf, clav•mercliants ; as far as regard:: C. Robitis-.1. and .1. St.pliens 11'. o. font. gn cers-Vates and Lownd, Sheffield, tahle-kuire-manutaeturets-llodgkin Clia''s.1.,westort. Su sur:temes-Miteliell a d Billson, Leicesn-r. hosier s.--Warden and W mo,troeld. Liverpool, brolters-Ileneltmen and Low, Upper Clairton, nursery- men--W. and p. Lambert, Fenstanton. Ibuitingdaushire, coal. merchants- Bennett now, 1:olkedorte, chemists-Gardner and Co. Mattelte,ter, worsted.stia-mer- chairs ; a5 l'ar as regards G. Gill-Fletcher mai Co. Arundel, surgeons; as far as re-
fir's E. Wardroper. 1NSOLeENT. Ilea Nsc. Mar. WILLIAM. Salisbury Place, Pimlico. dealer, April 9.
C, inener, JuRN,111111 CHALIIECOTY, JAMES GOBBARD, AbC111111:11 Yard, coffee.dealers,
April la.
livv JvmEs, Warwick Square, surgeon. April 10.
LITTLE. RAPTI/. Great Yarmouth. tea-dealer.
navwutterms vvrAttorm.
11,extr. R. end VT. Burr Strout, Lower East Smithfield. surgeons. April 25.
Et sew. Duvor.w. Conduit Street, tinder,vriter. April 28.
M %se:. All eV Chi II corn-merchant. April t-1. . , r SmAr,CE, WILLIAM, Abingdon, wine.merchant. May 8. BANKRUPTs.
An' vs..leitv. f, ls. stuff.merehant, April 2.t. May 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Robinson and Rostov.. zireet. Strand; and Nfr. Middleton, Leeds
.1. ix'. Saint Helen's, 11.111CriShire. grOvec, April II, May 22 : solicitors. Meesrs .■dltott and Co. 11.91'ord Row; and Mr. Johns m. Si. lielon'S. v, wir.,.■ ts. Sunderland. meridional lilor April 15 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Niehn's and Son. Too!: s ('oort, Lincoln's !nu ; :mil Mr. TI •p 1)itrliant. I. iv%AC. 1/esintshire. miller. Apr it 2. May 22 : solicitors. A4' In.ton and t 'o. Bedford11,w ; ned Ildey. Isingsliride. Devonshire. ' of. Lower Brmik Sire, t. Bond Street. bilantisg li.aise.keeper. April 24,
Mu% r. Peol. Gray's Intl ; 11,!clicr. 1:ines Arms Yard.
'N• T:1 M Wes:thrown iii,. St till.r.1.1iire grocer. April 18. May 19: solicitors. - nil Co. Bedford Ii''"; mil Th.. Arnold, Cu.:wit-v. ,■ Y. .14sairpr.. Leeds. putter. At 23. May :22 ; solicitors. Messrs. Rebinson w. Stle •t. Strand ; ;Ind Mr. Middleton. Leeds.
Sr cru.:.. Wo.1.1 \ NI, Manchester. 4rocvr. May 1 I ami : r.4, Messrs. Makin.
mel Sanders. Temple ; mid (.0. Maiiellester. 1`,Y,r. 1)olgelly, BliclIaMtmE, A11111 .8. May 22: 6014'1(01A. 31,',..r4. tone and Co. Chanecry and Mr. 11,herts. Cat namon. Gi ,',i.e, Helen's. Linea-hire. innkeeper, April 22. May 22: solicitor,
Mr. (leiter. Inn ; :Mil Annul!. st. I Idea s. In; I. crpOCI. iii ii L '-?2: solicitors, Messrs. Arison awl
hitt Li, ; asa Mes-is. awl Co. 11.w. Sr Bonen r Pius s. Banbury, Oxford-dm,. chelnis1. April 24, May 2:: solicitors, Cos and Wathims. Lincoln's Inn ho:ds; 3101 Walliord ;IA Beeslev, Banbtirv. WALL!: i‘s, nti.Fs. Birmingham, Apr,' ;2.1, M,iy 22; solieiairs, Sir. Li ii, Gray's Inn Sititare; ati,1 Mr.
Isvim vss.
Mn 4, Bergh:wt. Strert, 11. lid Sheet, tailor Ma) 1, So anis. Audinfriars. 2. Law rnrd Pellet:mill Short, m ine mei cli it 'Nt.ny Ki • I lit11111. litleuilraper MO) 1. Statou, t'll is CioSs. chant -May 6, Burton. Market Harborough, wool.stapler-May 5, Hall. niggle, Yorkshire, paper-manufacturer-May 8, Cambridge, Bristol, shipowner-May 7, Mot- tershcad, Liverpool, shipwright.
• Di be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, an or Imemo May I. Bradley, rpper Charlotte Street, picture-dealer-Saville. Stalybridge, mercer - Chapman, Wisbeach, victualler-Geddes, Albion Place, Hyde Park Swine, baker - Furman. Smarts Builiings. Holborn, victualler-Drake. Birmingham, bookseller- Ireland, Manchester, eheek.manitricturer -Crouch, Plymouth, musicseller.
sCoTCII SEgrlESTRATIONS. HALLANTINE, ANDREW, MiisselbUrg, draper. April 13. May 12. LENNIE, .1Attlla, EdillblIrgli. tuy.merellaa, April 15. May 6.
Ix.' sit., DAVID. Donde:, flax-spinner. April 13. M.o.- 4. IM.Gitt:oott, ALENAN111.11t, and MOWN, WILLIAM, Glasiew, merchants. Apri115. May 6. MIM., JAMES :111d JOHN, Oldrome, Ayrshire, distillers. April 16, M 4y 7.
WILSBN, Ar.r.x.vsogn, Dalkeith. merchant, April 15, May 6.