7.1 r Court.
A Lovon on 3Ionday, and a Drawing-room on Thursday. have made the present a busy week in courtly and fashionable eireles. The Levee was numerously nttended, and many gentlemen Were presented to the Queen. Atter the levee, Admiral Sir William llas eoon as- .15 invested with the insi:Mia Of a Knight Grand Cross et' the Bath. Major- General Sir John Bose, Lieutenant-tienerel Sir Jootts Wetsom Rear- Admiral Sir Samnel Pym. and Major-General Sir John Savage, re- ceived the insignia of Knights Cononandors of the Bath.
The first Dro wing-room of the season was splendid. The names alone of' the company as strict OCOupy several of our columns. and a description of the ladies' dresses a great ninny MOD?. We shall there- fore only remark generally. that the ossemblege of noblemen and
gentlemen, with theie holies. comprised the of the distinguished portion of her 31ejesty's subjects.
The Queen and Prince Albert take oeoasioual rides in her Majesty's pony phaeton in Ilyde Park. 'File Qlleell generally drives—as befits a Sovereign.
The Queen Dowager. with the Duteltess of Cambridev. Earl Howe. and Connives Sheffield, dined with the Dake of Welliugton, at Apsley House, on Wednesday.