Artropolis. The Lora Mayor gave the annual entertainment to her
Majesty's Ministers at he 31:Insionhouse. on Saturday. Lord Melbourne, I.ord Morpeth, find Mr. Labouchere were present. There was no demoustrc- I tion of party feeling on the occasion.
The gentlemen interested in the colonization of the Falkland Islands have received an official communication, informing them that Govern- ment have no intention at present of establishing any settlement in the islands. • A meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts was held on Wednesday, at the Egyptian Hall in the Mansion- house ; the Lord Mayor in the ehair. The Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishops of London, Winchester, Bangor, LlandafF, Rochester, Hereford, Norwich, and Nova Scotia, and Chief Justice Robinson of Upper Canada, took part in the proceedings. Resolutions in further- ance of the objects of the Society were passed, and about 1,0001. was subscribed.
At the East India House, on Wednesday, a ballot was held for six Directors, in the room of Messrs. Forbes, Cotton, Loch, Mills, Shank, and Tucker, who went out by rotation • and the following were elected— Messrs. Vans Agnew, Lyall, Ikuspratt, Tucker, Smith, Wigram, and Sir James Law Lushington.
The Court of Directors passed a votes of thanks to the Chairman, Sir Richard Jenkins, and the Deputy Chairman, Mr. Butterworth Bayley, for their attention to the interest of the proprietors.
Mr. Bond Cabbell has accepted an invitation to stand for Marylebone at the next election. A requisition was presented to him signed by 1,270 voters.
The Reverend Mr. Mann, upwards of forty years Chaplain of Horse- monger Lane Gaol, has resigned ; and the Surry Magistrates have pen- sioned him off on two-thirds the amount of his salary.
At a meeting of the medical profession generally, and of the pupils at St. George's Hospital, held on Thursday, it was agreed to present Sir Benjamin Brodie with a piece of plate on his retirement from the office of surgeon to the Hospital.