Fro THE EDITOR OP THE 41 Brurkrou."J Sia.,—Many of your readers will be interested to hear that on March 31st, the Danish Riksaag passed an Act restricting vivisection. The Act is, of course, far from final or satisfac- tory to anti-vivisectionists; but it is a great step in advance over the lawlessness of science in Germany and France. The Danish Act is on the lines of the English Act of 1876, re- garding licensed persons and places. Demonstrations to • students are prohibited, except on amestheticised animals, as with us. The differences are,—(1), Only warm-blooded animals are included under protection, the unhappy frogs being left to the uncovenanted mercies of the physiologists ; (2), prosecu- tions under the Danish Act are on the footing of ordinary police cases (a great advantage) ; (3), vivisectors are required to keep journals wherein they must register the number and species of animals they use, the experiments they make, and the scientific object they have in view.—I am, Sir, &c., FRANCES POWER OOBBE.
P.5.—The following pretty incident has just occurred at Rhiwlas, near Bala. Mrs. Price has two dachshunds, mother and daughter, which have always manifested constant affection for each other, though both are now advanced in years. Last week the mother ran after Mrs. Price till she found her in a part of the park out of her usual beat, and then manifested such excitement and anxiety, barking and running backwards and forwards, and refusing all caresses, that Mrs. Price resolved to follow her. The dog led her for more than half-a-mile to a corner of the rabbit-warren, and there Mrs. Price heard woeful sounds of the buried daughter, deep in a rabbit-hole. Summoning two keepers, she returned to the spot, and finally released the poor dachs, who had been jammed in between rocks, and could never have extricated herself or been rescued, had not her mother gone straight to the loving mistress who was willing to obey the agonising call for assistance.