The School Calendar, 1891. (george Boll And Sons.)—this...
Examinations, Scholarships, and Exhibitions," now in its fifth year of issue, is a very useful publication which continued care makes more and more complete.—The Calendar of the......
Essays Of Elia. Edited By Augustine Birrell. (j. M. Dent.)--
Our first impulse was to regret that Mr. Birrell should have not found time to give us more than six or seven pages about" Elia ; " our second, to regret that he should have......
The Portfolio. April. Edited By P. G. Hamorton. (seeley And
Co.)—This is a noticeable number, from the remarkable excellence of the two principal illustrations. "The Shepherds at Bethlehem is an etching by M. Henri Manesse, after the......
The Philadelphian.* The Philadelphian Is A Very Good...
the way in which a novel ought not to be written. A bountiful Providence has endowed Mr. Jennings with a fair share of imagination and a great facility of good writing, and......
Japan And Its Art. By Marcus B. Huish. (fine Art
Society.) —Our notice of this volume has been long delayed. We hope, however, that it is not too late. Japan moves quickly indeed, but not so quickly as to have made the......
Current Literature.
Tristan QUARTERLIES.—The April number of the London quarterly Review contains a remarkable amount of reading which, being non-theological and non-ecclesiastical, is calculated......
Four Frenchwomen. By Austin Dobson. (chatto And Windus...
four " are Charlotte do Corday, Madame Roland, the Princess de Lamballe, and Madame de Geniis, to whom about half of the little volume is devoted. And indeed, for variety of......
The Emigrants' Information Office Has Published A Series...
(Eyre and Spottiswoode). These are twelve in number Nos. 1 to 10 deal with the Colonies in suecession,—viz., Canada, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland,......
While The Journal Of Philology Is Necessarily Intended...
thoroughly appreciated by, a very limited circle of readers, there is almost invariably something in it which interests laymen who, having once had a genuine enthusiasm for......
In The Admirable Preface Which He Has Written For This
book, "have no interest in the improvement of the prisoner." This is exactly what the Elmira system seeks to effect. Each criminal sent to the reformatory is carefully studied ;......
Alison Walsh. By Constance Evelyn. (t. Nelson And Sons.)—...
is a story, told throughout with strong religious feeling, of how a resolute and honest mind, driven into unbelief by the too visible contradictions between profession and......
A Life - Journey From. Mannheim To Inkermann. By Edward...
Fonblanquo. (Ward and Downey.)—The story is not much here, though it is sufficiently interesting. Without any particular plot, it moves on in a way that carries the reader with......