The Emigrants' Information Office has published a series of Handbooks
(Eyre and Spottiswoode). These are twelve in number Nos. 1 to 10 deal with the Colonies in suecession,—viz., Canada, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Cape. Colony, and British Bechuanaland and Natal, No. 11 is a "Professional Handbook," it is a guide to "professional employment in the Colonies." It must be understood that the word "professional" is used in a wide sense. Teachers, clerks, commercial travellers, nurses, the Mounted Rifles, and the police como under this heading. Any one seeking employment may find hero a statement of the neces- sary qualifications. No. 12 gives "Emigration Statutes and General Handbook." It is interesting to see how the Colonies are protecting themselves against harmful immigration. When shall we begin to do the same ? Finally, the whole of these handbooks may be obtained in one volume.