The Condition Of Italy.
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR:] Si,—In your most interesting article on "The Condition of Italy," and therefore probably in Mr. Dering's Report, there seems an omission. It......
[to The Editor Of The " Peotator."t Sin,—suckling Says :—
" But, oh ! she dances such a way, No Bun upon an Easter day Is half so fine a sight,' am, Sir, Sta., E. S.......
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTA.T011."] SIR, —Shortly after reading your interesting article on popular superstitions, I bad a talk with an intelligent man who lived for a long......
The Danish Vivisection Act.
Fro THE EDITOR OP THE 41 Brurkrou."J Sia.,—Many of your readers will be interested to hear that on March 31st, the Danish Riksaag passed an Act restricting vivisection. The Act......
The Sun Dancing On Easter Day.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTAT031.“) SIB, — Your correspondent is apparently at a loss to account for his gardener's belief that the sun dances on Easter Day. His gardener is......
Letters To The Editor.
MUNEEPORE. [-re THII EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR.'l SIR,—In the Spectator of April 4th appears an interesting article on the Muneepore outbreak, which is, however, in certain......
[to The Editor Op The " Speotator.”] Sir,—it May Interest
your Lincolnshire correspondent, "C. E. C.," to know that the belief in the sun's dancing on Easter Day is not confined to his county, or even to this country. Two days ago I......