[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR.”] SIR,—It may interest
your Lincolnshire correspondent, "C. E. C.," to know that the belief in the sun's dancing on Easter Day is not confined to his county, or even to this country. Two days ago I was talking to an old Irishwoman of eighty-four. She is intelligent and respectable, one of those who have "known better days,"—transplanted when already aged from her own little farm in the North of Ireland to a poor home in a dull and gloomy part of London. Trying to cheer her by a little " Easter " talk, I happened to say that it was to be hoped we should now have brighter weather;. Easter "should bring sunshine." She smiled as she replied that "long ago it did seem so ;" and then she said : "Did ye- iver hear of the boys and girls going out on Easter morning, to see the sun dance for joy P When I was young we'd4 be up before dawn to look out for it." I had never heard of this rather touching superstition before, and told her so. I was struck by the coincidence of reading of it again in the Spectator of April 4th.—I am, Sir, &c., LOUISA MOLESWORTH- 19 Sumner Place, Onslow Square, April 5th.