Mr. Goseben Received On Tuesday A Numerous Deputation Of...
distillers, and licensed victuallers, who endeavoured to persuade him that as one of the purposes for which he raised the spirit and beer duties last year,—namely, the buying up......
Professor Dicey Made A Good Speech On Wednesday At The
Oxford Women's Liberal Unionist Association. He said that the cause of Unionism in Ireland was the cause of justice for the weak. Mr. Balfour had been the truest of Irish......
Mr. Phineas T. Barnum, The Showman, Died At Bridgeport,...
on Tuesday, at the age of eighty-one. He very early discovered the modern secret that, so far as money- getting is concerned, notoriety is the equivalent of fame, and for sixty......
Sir James Fitzjames Stephen Retired From The Bench On...
in a speech to the Bar of much dignity and pathos. He denied after full inquiry that the condition of his health had ever been the cause of any failure of justice, and declared......
The Australian Federation Convention Dispersed On Thurs-...
its work, and passed a Bill which will now be submitted to the local Legislatures and Parliament at home. Before it dispersed, the delegates adopted a somewhat singular clause......
Mr. Maclean, Q.c., M.p. For The Woodstock Division Of...
has been appointed a Master in Lunacy, which vacates his seat. Mr. Maclean, a Liberal Unionist, was elected without opposition in 1886, so that we hardly know the strength of......
Great Britain Is Not Quite So Fortunate As The United
States, where every year they discover a mountain of cinnabar, or an oil-well yielding half-a-million gallons a clay, or a silver-mine which seems inexhaustible,—but still, we......
Lady Zetland And Miss Balfour Have Been Making A Tour
in the distressed districts of the West of Ireland, and have teen received with much more genuine enthusiasm than the Nationaliet leaders have ever met with in these parts. The......