A Life - Journey from. Mannheim to Inkermann. By Edward B. de
Fonblanquo. (Ward and Downey.)—The story is not much here, though it is sufficiently interesting. Without any particular plot, it moves on in a way that carries the reader with it. The chief merit of the book is in the style, which is unusually brilliant. Perhaps there is a touch more of cynicism in it than we alto- gether like but the reader will be pleased on the wholo. Mr. Fonblanque is in error when he speaks of the 'President' as having been the "first steamship that crossed tho Atlantic." Lost she was, with every one on board, and it was believed at the time from the cause mentioned, her "breaking her back." But this happened in 1841, just two-and-twenty years after the first steamship, the 'Savannah,' crossed from Liverpool to the States.