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Tax Queen and Prince Albert left Buckingham Palace at twelve o'clock on Monday, in a carriage and four, escorted by a party of Hus- sars ; and arrived at Windsor at a few minutes after two. The infant Prince rode in the same carriage with his Royal parents. The Prin- cess Royal and her attendants occupied another carriage ; and the suite three more carriages. The return of the Sovereign was welcomed by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannon in Windsor and Eton.
The ceremony of chnrching the Queen was performed on Saturday, at twelve o'clock, in the Chapel Royal, St James's. The Archbishop of Canterbury officiated ; assisted by the Bishop of London, the Reve- rend. Dr. Sleath, and the Reverend Dr. Wesley.
The Queen took her first out-door walk with Prince Albert, in the Gardens of Buckingham Palace, on Saturday ; and has since walked in the grounds and the Home Park at Windsor. The rides in the pony phaeton have also been resumed.
The Dutchess of Kent joined the party at the Castle on Tuesday. The Queen held a Privy Council at half-past two o'clock yesterday afternoon, at Windsor Castle. It was attended by Prince Albert, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Wharncliffe, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Buckingham, Sir Robert Peel, the Earl of Liverpool, Earl De- lawarr, and the Earl of Jersey. The Gazette of Tuesday announced that the infant Prince was created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester; and the Lord Chancellor now delivered to the Queen the patent of creation. The name of his Royal Highness was ordered to be inserted in the prayers of the Liturgy after that of Prince Albert. The coat of arms of the baby, which was submitted to a Cabinet Council at the Home Office in the morning, by Mr. Woods of the Herald's Office, was now considered by the Privy Council. Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued. from Tuesday the 21st of December until Thursday the 3rd of February; and a proolama- tion was ordered to be issued summoning Parliament to meet on that day for the despatch of public business.
An election for a Scotch Peer was ordered.
Lord Wharncliffe took the oaths on his appointment to be Lord-Lieu- tenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire.
The Lord Chancellor, Sir Robert Peel, the Earl of Liverpool, and the Earl of Jersey, remained at the Castle on a visit to the Queen.
Mr. Ross painted a sketch of the Prince of Wales yesterday. We hear that the infant. Prince is to be named Albert Edward, after his Royal father and grandfather ; and that the Queen Dowager and the Duke of Saxe Coburg are to be sponsors.—Brighton Gazette.
The correspondent of this morning's Times says of the Queen Dowager, that the improvement of her health is constant : the distress- ing cough has in a great measure abated; she sleeps several hours every night, uninterruptedly ; and thus gains so much strength as to be able to set up every day without fatigue, even walking about the room un- assisted. Queen Adelaide's spirits have never left her, and have been her physicians' bestaid, The Dutchess Ida of Sale Weimar, the Duke of Saxe Meiningen, and
Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, arrived at Marlborough House on Monday, from Sudbury Hall ; and they were visited by the Dutchess of Cambridge. On Tuesday, their Serene Highnesses were present at a dinner-party given by the Dutchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and Prince Ernest of Hesse Philippsthal also being present. The Dutchess Ida and the. Duke of Saxe Meiningen embarked at the Customhouse on Wednesday, on their return to the Continent.
Prince George of Cambridge returned to town, from Dean Park, on Saturday.