11 DECEMBER 1841, page 19

We May Here Mention, That The Occasion Of Our Visit

to the School of Design was to see some specimens of French Paper Hangings and Silk Draperies, that Mr. DYCE has recently brought over for the use of the pupils. It is......

May Morning; A Duet For Treble Voices. By E. J.

HOPKINS. An animated and highly-pleasing duet ; of which some parts agree- ably remind us of WEBER.......

Sonata For The Pianoforte. Op. 13. T W . S . B E Nne Tt.

Caprice for the Pianoforte. Op. 22.5 " There are some beautiful thoughts in each of these compositions, which evidence their writers' knowledge of the true use and employ- ment......

Tarantella For The Pianoforte, In A Fiat. By F. Chop/n.

A pleasing subject, agreeably diversified, and not too much wire-drawn.......

Fine Arts.

THE subject of Fresco-painting is exciting an increasing degree of in- terest among those who desire to see painting assume in this country its proper position as a decorative......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 3d December, at York. the Countess of Emascrourr, of a son and heir. Ou the 30, at Belmont. county Wexford, the Lady of Catatss A. WALKER. Esq.. late M.P.. of a......


The Gresham Prize Composition. No. 10. By E. J. ROMPS S. Tun Gresham Prize, as perhaps our readers are aware, has no con- nexion with Gresham College, but is the liberal gift of......

East India Shipping.

Arrived—At Gravesend, Dec. 6th, Airey, Nicholson, from Bengal ; and Sanderson. Smithy, from China; 8th, Mary Itaunatyne, Pickering; and Juliet, Alexander, from Ben g al ; and......

Sir Francis Crabtree Has, We Understand, Left The Bulk Of

his large fortune to the Royal Academy, of which he was so distinguished an ornament ; after the death of his widow, who enjoys it daring her life. This munificent bequest......