Emigration And Its Fraudulent Detractor.
'THERE appear to be hopes, in spite of our mistrust, that Govern- ment is really about to do something notable in the way of Emigra- tion ; for the most servile to its party of......
Ecclesiastical Discipline In Scotland.
AMONG other matters in which the Church of Scotland retains a greater resemblance to the Church of Rome than most other Pro- testant lommunions, is the stress it lays upon......
Cooks Ancient And Modern.
ONE of the most tragic incidents recorded by Madame Ds SzviuNk is the death of VATEL—not the diplomatist, but a much more im- portant functionary, the first cook of the " siecle......
Every Inch A Queen.
THE Literary Gazette has published, with a most rapturous and enthusiastic commentary, a letter from the Queen of GEORGE the Third ; certain that "its simplicity of expression,......