Improved Tactics Of The Liberal Opposition.
[From the Morning Chronicle, Dec. 7.] There are no words in the whole whites...pregnant with more meaning. and with a meaning more gratifying to us. than those in which Lord......
Though Unconnected With Theatrical Doings, We May Mention...
place that Mr. WILSON, the stage-vocalist, is giving a coarse of lectures on Scottish Song, at Wernham's Rooms in Store Street. The first lecture was delivered last night ; and......
Catlin's Model Of Niagara.
Ma. CA_TIIN has this week added to his curious museum of Indian cos- tumes and weapons, scenery and portraits, an elaborate and highly- finished Model of the Falls of Niagara ;......
The Theatres.
Tam customary tribute to successful talent has been paid to Miss ADELAIDE REMBLE at the Adel phi: the stage Pasquin,Mr.YATEs, having got up a broad burlesque of Norma, in which......