11 DECEMBER 1841, Page 2

The newspaper "leaders" of the week have exhibited some fea-

tures of unusual interest. Besides the chronic Anti- Poor-law hysteria of the Times, and the standing Anti-Corn-law homilies of the Chro- nicle, there has been the Oxford effervescence—the controversy as to the theological opinions of the unknown GattnErr and the "distin- guished" poet WILLIAMS, with a view to their qualifications for expounding the art of poetry. But more important manifestations have been made. The Standard, after an interval of twenty years, comes forth as an advocate for " tbe principle of the system of emigration" which it then suggested, "the translation of society in its frame, not in rude and unconnected parts, still less in single classes." New Zealand has the happiness to be the nearest ap- proach to the classic ideal of the Standard; as it is also the nearest approach, so far as its chief settlements are concerned, to the Wakefield system. The Standard is a valuable accession to the cause of Systematic Emigration. Then the Times, at the instance of its intelligent correspondent "A Genevese Traveller," makes it up with the United States of America, whom it lately threatened in the most alarming style. Now, it is satisfied of the pacific in- tentions of the people of the Union, and very judiciously recom- mends that the present calm should be improved in endeavours definitively to settle the two most embarrassing questions—that of the boundary, [there are three boundary questions, by the way,] and the right of search. It is in no derogation of the improved patriot- ism of the Times, that we take the change to indicate that its former war-fervour had proved unacceptable in influential quarters.