[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Sut,—In reply to the protest of W. M. Tweedie, my omission of the Maritime Provinces from the article " What Canada Thinks of Britain " was owing to no disrespect for their importance, but solely to lack of space. As I could not (to my regret) personally visit these provinces, I felt I could not afford space to what would have been hearsay only.
I never, of course, " fancied I had seen the whole of Canada," in my five months' visit, nor did I make any such fantastic claim. All I did was to state the conclusions I had come to, from the observations I made in four of the five main " countries " into which Canada is divided. I should perhaps have made it dear that the Maritimes were specifically excluded. However, I hope the warm friendliness of my feelings towards Canada as a whole was obvious enough, in what I did say.
—Yours faithfully, SYLVIA STEVENSON. 53e Queen's Gardens, London, W. 2.