11 FEBRUARY 1938, page 26

Stuart Political Thought

English Political Thought, 1603 to 1660 Vol. I. 1693 to 1644. By J. W. Allen. (Methuen. 2 PROFESSOR EN is following up his History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century......

Re-assessments Of Marlowe

Christopher Marlowe. By John Bakeless. (Cape. sos. 6d.) WHEN Marlowe was stabbed to the brain at the age of twenty- nine, he left behind him a reputation for blasphemy, an un-......

Church And Community

The Churches Survey Their Task. By J. H. Oldham and Others. (Allen and Unwin. is.) Christian Faith and the Common Life. By William Temple and Others. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)......