The Election Of Mr. Michael Postan To The Professorship Of
Economic History at Cambridge (in succession to Professor J. H. Clapham) means that there will be a husband and wife each holding a chair in the same subject at different......
Vaughan Of Rugby—he Was Equally Vaughan Of Giggleswick...
of Wellington—was, in the opinion of his pupils at any rate, a great headmaster ; and who are better judges in such a case ? He was no innovator ; he once said that he did not......
Arc Murders Getting Commoner ? The Casual Reader Of The
daily papers can hardly avoid the impression that they are. But then I think he has always had that impression, as much when the figures failed to warrant it as when they did ;......
Unless Some Purely Vexatious Opposition Reveals Itself,...
to take half an hour of the House of Commons' time to give three reading§ to the most necessary little Bill, which Sir Arthur Gridley has drafted and members of all parties have......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE liberty of the subject is in a poor way if a man carrying a coat on his arm on his way to his tailor's or presser's is liable to be stopped in the street by......
The Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Language, Which
I am going to found as soon as I can spare the time, might very well begin by considering the case of " escalation," which the author of the last week's Note to Japan on naval......
Faith And Works " Mr. — Agreed That In November,
1917, he was con- victed for uttering forged orders. In January, 1929, he was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment for obtaining goods by false pretences, and in March, 193o, to......
Making Britain Understood
T HE question of what is rather vaguely termed British publicity abroad has been discussed more than once recently in these columns, but no apology is needed for recurring to......