11 FEBRUARY 1938, page 40

The 10 Vanxhall Four

The latest Vauxhall is one of the most interesting attempts to provide the poor man with the sort of car that goes as fast as that of his richer neighbour's, at proportionate......

The - Blowing Stone There Is Nothing Beyond And Having...

can only go back the same way. That way is a rather steep -hill, winding up through a crack in the eternal downs, from Uffington, in the - Vale of the White Horse; about fiVe......

A Study :in Rigidity

Iii "addition to all this it has a special design, a body-cum- chassis lay-out of the kind only one or two other makers have attempted to put into production on a big scale. •......


Better BociyWoric in 1938 Several of the trials I have lately made of the . newest cars have emphasised, to me, the advances that have been made in coachwork in the last two or......

The Return Of The Open Car -

The most welcome development -is the return to favour of the open car. Not, of course, the old - familiar tourer with the swaying, leaking, draughty hood, but the type known......

White Horse Hill

Overlooking the Vale .of. the,White Horse, a mile or- two from Uffington on_ northTwest and a few more from Wantage on the north-east,. is White Horse Hill—one of the best......

" Visibility „ Where Design Lags Is , In Windscreens....

so Oddly called visibility (odd, Unless it is visibility of the road ahead that is meant) is still often poor, sidepillars cutting tiff essential - sections of the highWay at......

18 Cwt Independent Springing Is Given To The Front Wheels

and I found it decidedly successful both as improving the general riding of the car and correcting sway. The three-speed gear-box, geared pleasantly high, gives all the......