11 FEBRUARY 1938, Page 38


If you are a circus fan it will only be necessary to say that the author of On the Road With Bertram Mills (Chatto and Windus, rzs. 6d.) has been for five years " Big Top " Press agent for Mr. Mills, to make you read it. The author knows every detail of circus life, and, what most writers on the circus don't know, all about the inside and outside organisation of the show, from the find- ingof neW turns to the, clearing of the pitch when it's all, over. It was in fact Mr. Williamson himself who went 'to Burma to find. the- -Giraffe-Necked Women—one of the most popular side- - shows a circus ever had. We go behind the scenes at Olympia too, but the most interesting part of the book _is _ where _ Mr."Williortiscm .,describes -the)-bourfrq- houllife of the circus on the road. Most readers will be amazed ai the discipline and the highly complex planning which make' it possible to move such a vast show at such speed and over such great distances. The author's estimate of circus artists and their acts is rather -circumscribed by his- attachment to one particular circus.