11 JANUARY 1957, Page 30


ACROSS I As the American exhibition skater might roman- tically put it (12).

9 It looks as if 2 doesn't arrive in time-at the House of Commons (9).

10 Byron found it seductive and voluptuous (5).

11 Three's company? On the contrary Miss Waters was single (6).

12 His impressions go deep (8).

13 Thanks to the mixed nuts, I get reproaches (6).

15 I'm thus present when a temperature is indicated (8).

18 'Dear Andrew with the - hair' (Stevenson) (8).

19 No bid I'm these spares (6).

21 'He shall find no life but the - restless Night and day' (Swinburne) (3, 5).

23 A pedestrian affair when there's no water about (6). 26 A bit of company encountered in the heights (5).

27 Lost a bear? (anag.) (9)

28 The sportsmen's trophies offer alternatives (5, 2, 5).


'Hazel's so cultivated, Gilbert finds (7). It's a fashionable joint (5).

'Full twenty times was Peter teared For once that Peter was -' (Wordsworth) (9).

A rising character will have a downfall (4). In this guise 10 reached its apogee (8).

A member of Gray's herd s distinctly inferior (5).

This brazier ooks very odd (7),

Bach was all for a well-tempered one of these (8).

Baby's very militant (2. 2, 4).

One is quite carried away by it (9).

Garland for the winner of the musical trophy (8).

Dissenters in an encore (7).

New clothe wanted? That's right (7).

Stile needs rebuilding (5).

Did he aim at producing good fiddles? (5)

Who is this? Number eight (4). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 16 17 18 20 22 24 25

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of th:, De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on January 22 and addressed: Crossword No, 922, 99 Gower St., London, %VCI.

Chambers'y Twentieth Century Dictionary New Version. is recommended for Crosswords.

Amami mom


Solution on January 25 So ution to No 920 on page 63 The winners of Crossword No. 920 a e: Miss CRFA011 CorN, Holcors, Northampton, and MIL M. JAMES, Heathcot, Roves, Tracey, Devon.