11 JANUARY 1957, page 26

Crotchety Essayist

MR. RAMSAY, Virginia Woolf's portrait of her father in To the Lighthouse, is not a likeable man. He is a domestic tyrant riddled with self-pity and self-dramatisation, the kind......

What The Footman Saw

A FEW years ago, when in Cannes for the Film Festival, I received an invitation to attend a party, at which film stars, rastas, and even, perhaps, Don Porfirio Rubirosa were to......

'crost The Bay

THESE two books are remarkable for that admirable objectivity about the Kuomintang- Communist conflict which one so surprisingly finds among the refugee Chinese scholars in......

Indian View

THE Prime Minister of India is one of the most controversial figures of our time. In the Western world, he is frequently criticised in bitter terms by certain sections of......