11 JANUARY 1957, page 18

Sir,-1 Am Sorry The Writer Of A Letter Of Last

week's Spectator, under 'Crisis in Medicine,' is allowed to shelter under the wide pseudonym of 'M. D.' I am not a nurse, physiotherapist, almoner, psycho- logist, occupational......

Spectator Competition For Schools

The Spectator offers three prizes of eight guineas each in a competition open to boys and girls at school in the United Kingdom. Entries should be in the form of An original......

That Political Stuff

SIR,—Perhaps it is due to the fact that your Decem- ber 7 Spectator arrived here on Christmas Eve, but I just cannot let the insults to Mr. Betjeman in that issue's letters page......

The Montgolfians

SIR.—The balloon will certainly go up if your reviewer does not get his colours correct, The LNER brown-red? Never! The LNWR had chocolate- black engines, but, unless I am......

Miser, Catulle

. . I polished up those verses so carefullee That now 1 am the ruler of the Queen's navee.' Yours faithfully, TYRRELL BURGESS Savile Club. 69 Brook Street, W1......

Problem People •

SIR.—Both Lord Pakenham and Mr. Evan Griffiths have missed the point about our prison population. It does not include large numbers of Irish for racial reasons, but simply......

Pell Mell

SIR,—It is as helpful for Mr. Austin Duncan-Jones to write that 'Pall Mall' and 'Mall' are pronounced `Pall Mall' and `Mall' as to write to a foreigner that `shall' and 'hall'......

Sir,—although I Have Been A Spectator Competitor Ever...

competitions were first started (admittedly spasmodic but on occasions successful), I have never before found it necessary to protest about the judging. Naturally, one always......

Air Pilots And Accidents Sir.—the Article In Your Issue Of

January 4 by Mr. Oliver Stewart seems to us to beg a considerable number of questions but the Institution welcomes the last paragraph of the article in which it requests......

The Parish Comes Alive

SIR,—Your reviewer of this book states, `The parish is dead,' and says that this is true of many parts of Britain. There are some who will agree and will blame the clergy, or......

Crisis In Medicine

Sot,—M. D. raises two interesting points upon which [should like to comment : 1. Speech therapists have always desired co-opera- tion with the doctors, under whom they work, and......