11 JANUARY 1957, page 30
Spectator Crossword No. 922
ACROSS I As the American exhibition skater might roman- tically put it (12). 9 It looks as if 2 doesn't arrive in time-at the House of Commons (9). 10 Byron found it seductive......
The Usual Prize Of Six Guineas Is Offered For A
translation of Ronsard's sonnet, 'Le Juge m'a tromps,' in any English sonnet form : Le Juge m'a tromps; ma Maitresse m'enserre Si fort en sa prison que j'en suis tout transi; La......
Excursions In Euphemism
Readers were invited (a) to invent six pretentious names for jobs demanding little or no skill, or (b) to mask any six unpleasant things with names which should conceal their......