THE third clause of the Irish Crimea Bill was passed on Taes- day night after only one application of the Closure, Mr. W. H. Smith having indicated at the outset that he should probably be compelled to quicken the progress of the Irish Crimes Bill by some stronger proposal, and Mr. Parnell and Sir W. Harcourt having both indicated their opinion that the Irish Members would do well to confine themselves to amendments of real import- ance. On Wednesday, however, there was a freeh relapse into obstruction, more than three hours being waded in the dis- cussion of a preamble to the fourth clause which merely recited the reason for introducing it, and enacted nothing. Mr. Morley himself deprecated such a discussion as a waste of Parliamentary time, though he blamed the Government for inserting such a preamble to a subordinate part of the measure. But the Parnellites ignored Mr. Morley's advice, and when a quarter to 6 arrived, the day had been effectually wasted.