News Of The Week.
T HE third clause of the Irish Crimea Bill was passed on Taes- day night after only one application of the Closure, Mr. W. H. Smith having indicated at the outset that he should......
On Thursday, Mr. W. H. Smith Gave Notice That He
would yesterday move that at a given time, which was specified later in the evening as 10 p.m. on June 17th (Friday next), the question under discussion shall be put, and that......
After Mr. W. H. Smith Had Declared His Intention Of
putting a definite term to the debate,—Mr. Morley protesting that more than a day's notice should have been given of the motion,—the discussion on the Crimes Bill was resumed,......
Mr. Gladstone Pointed To The Old Welsh Castles Built To
subdue Wales by the invaders, and to the old Welsh Church which was quite separate from the English Church, as proving the distinct- ness of Welsh nationality. Through Mrs.......
Yesterday Week Was Spent Quietly By Mr. Gladstone At Swansea
in hearing Welsh music, and regretting to the accomplished per- formers of the Swansea United. Choir that he had come down to Swansea for purposes not altogether musical; for......
It Is Still Uncertain Whether The French Ministry Will...
The debate on the Military Bill is dragging in a way most unusual in a French Assembly, and it is said that the Right are urging that the anti-clerical clauses, rendering......