The Albatross And Frigate-bird.
[To THE EDITOR 01 THII " SPECTATOR:] So., — The author of your very interesting article on " The Albatross and Frigate-Bird " suggests that there is some unex- plained mystery......
Are Animals Mentally Happy?
[To Tax Roma or tam "Srscuroa."] fint, — Reading Mr. Carlill ' s article on " Are Animals Mentally Happy I " in this month ' s Nineteenth Century, reminded me of an incident I......
Letters To The Editor.
AN IRISH COMMONWEALTH. [To THE Maxon or Tee Spacr.03."1 SIR, — While admiring the philosophic tone of the article on the future of an Irish Commonwealth, I cannot but think the......
Young Women ' S Help Society. — South London
HOME. [To THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR:] Slit, — Once again I venture to bring before the notice of your readers our work among the women and girls of South London. Thanks in a......
The Crisis In Co-operation.
[To THE EDITS. or Tam SPICTATOS,..] ' Sra, — In your issue of Dine 4th, you make some disparaging reference to these works, based on some remarks of Mr. Hughes ' s which are......
" Christus Consummator. "
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sra, — As one of the teachers to whom, as you well say, Dr. Westcott is a teacher, I have read with much interest your succinct and forcible......
Dr. Klein On Infection From Milk.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE ' SPECTATOR."j SIB,—I must beg to protest against your remarks upon this subject. You say,—" Somebody is always adding a new hygienic terror to life. "......