The June Number Of The Gentleman's Magazine Is Notable For
the variety of its contents. Of its articles, "Forgetful of all Ill," a pathetic story of thwarted vengeance ; "Tree-Lore," by Mr. Anson Fairer; and "Flies," by Mr. Phil.......
It Is No Exaggeration To Say Of The Hour-glass, That
it is a wonderful threepenny-worth. Mr. Norris is capable of better work than the telling of the story of a rather silly yachting-port flirtation ; but the letters in which it......
Scott The Lay Of The Last Minstrel. Edited, With Preface
and Notes, by W. Minto, M.A. "Clarendon Press Series." (Clarendon Press, Oxford.)—If the reader of the famous Lay needs other commentator than the poet who wrote it, he cannot......
New Enrrious.—the Epistle To The Ephesians Its Doctrine...
By R. W. Dale, M.A. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—We expressed our high opinion of these lectures on the occasion of their first publication, and it is needless to do more than......
Service Afloat, By Admiral Raphael Semmes (sampson Low...
is a book which was published by Riehard Bentley in 1869, under the title of "My Adventures Afloat in the Sumter' and 'Alabama.' " It is, therefore, a reissue, and not a new......
Essays In The Study Of Folk-songs. By The Countess Evelyn
Martinengo-Cesaresco. (George Redway.)—The essays in this volume, though here and there verging on the tedious, afford, on the whole, pleasant and instructive reading. The......
An English Vendetta. By Frederick Boyle. 3 Vole. (chapman...
Hall.)—We must own to having felt a certain confusion as we read this story. The main story is sufficiently plain, but it is somewhat obscured by a multitude of characters. We......