Lord Thomson
• The career. of ,Lortl T h °nue nr ho :was fifty-five yearti old, had been truly remarkable. As an engineer in the Army he had early opportunities of active service in South Africa,and made so good a start in his profession that it seemed highly improbable that he would turn to other interests. He was, however, one of the " intel- lectuals " of the Army, mid his originality and readiness of speech attracted the attention of Sir Henry Wilson. While still at the Staff College Mr. C. B. Thomson professed a sympathy with Socialism which is said to have pleased more than it displeased Sir Henry Wilson, because the clash of opinion between him and his brilliant pupil was the occasion of slashing arguments. In the Great War the name of Colonel Thomson was asso- ciated mainly with Rumania, the entry of which country into the War was mainly arranged by him.
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