Cavour's Statesmanship Is Often Undervalued In Comparison...
expeditions and Mazzinfs republican propaganda though without all three men Italy might not have won her freedom and unity. The case for Cavour is well put by Dr. A. J. White in......
Last July We Noticed A Book By Sir Robert Donald,
called The Polish Corridor and the Consequences, which was mainly propaganda in favour of the revision of the Treaty of Versailles to the advantage of Germany on her Eastern......
A Library List
NEW Enrrious :—A Subaltern's Letters to His Wife. By Lt.-Col. Sir Reginald Rankin. (John Lane. 12s. Red Cross and Iron Cross. By Axel Munthe. (John Murray. 3s. 6d.)—Memories and......
' In His Preface To The Science Of Folk-lore (methuen,
10S. 6d.) the author, Dr. Alexander Haggerty Krappe, predicts that his views will not find general acceptance among British folklorists. He is probably correct, as, though the......
Sir Bob, By S. De Madariaga (routledge, 65.), Tells Who
Sir Bob was, and how he lost his commission as colonel of a regiment of Sea-Grenadiers, how he visited the Lord Privy Seal and received from him the seals of his new office of......
Answers To Questions On Adveros
1. Comfortably (Isaiah xl. 2).-2. Now. Else hereafter for ever, (Book of Common Prayer, Marriage Service).-3. Wisely. TOO well (Shakespeare, .Othello, Act V, Sc. 2). - 4.......
Two Interesting And Important Books On Flying Are Mr. Harry
F. Guggenheim's The Seven Skies (Putnams, 105. 6d.) and Mr. Charles Dixon's Parachuting (Sampson Low, 12s. 6d.). The former is by the son of the founder of the Daniel Guggen-......
We Confess That In Spite Of A Preface By Mr.
Ellery Sedgwiek the famous editor of the Atlantic Monthly, we opened Fighting Parson, the autobiography of Alexander Irvine, with a certain amount of prejudice. For Mr. Irvine......
Mr. Patrick R. Chalmers, Whose Poetry Will Outlive That Of
many larger-sounding authors, both by reason of it virility and its intimate knowledge of outdoor life, has pub. lished a volume of papers—prose and verse—instinct with his......
The Competition
YOUR cousin and his wife, who have lived all their lives in Australia, want to spend one month of next year in Creed . Britain. They ask your advice as to when they should come,......