Disaster Followed The Intervention Of Rumania, But Sir...
loyally dissociated himself from Vic tendency to blame Colonel Thomson and got him appointed to the Supreme War Council at Versailles. After the War Colonel Thomson joined the......
Sir Sefton Brancker
Sir Sefton Braneker, who was fifty-three, was a practical enthusiast in every branch of aeronautics. He was never weary of speaking and writing about the conquest of the air,......
Lord Thomson
• The career. of ,Lortl T h °nue n r ho :was fifty-five yearti old, had been truly remarkable. As an engineer in the Army he had early opportunities of active service in South......
Editorial And Purlisfited Offices 99 Gower Street,...
Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this issue......
News Of The Week
'R101' ["HE wreck of the airship R101. ' with a loss of • -L forty-eight out of her company of fifty-four persons has stricken the nation with such a grief as has not been......
Major G. H. Scott
Major G. H. Scott, who was forty-two years old, was a remarkable airship captain. He devoted-himself exclu- sively to the study of lighter-than-air machines. In 1919 he......