The Resolute Minority Who Still Find Their Pleasure In...
will be encouraged by Miss Clare Cameron's "book of footpath rambles," entitled Green Fields of England (Con- stable, 12s. 3d.). For this determined lady has made walking tours......
Cavour's Statesmanship Is Often Undervalued In Comparison...
expeditions and Mazzinfs republican propaganda though without all three men Italy might not have won her freedom and unity. The case for Cavour is well put by Dr. A. J. White in......
Tastes Differ Widely About El Greco—more Perhaps Than...
other of the old masters. Moreover, English students who have not been to Spain tend to misjudge the painter whose best work is mainly at Toledo, and who is by no means......
Some Books Of The Week
Cousrr Canto SFORZA, who was Italy's Foreign Minister at Rapallo and her Ambassador in Paris when the Fascist revolution came about, makes no secret of his disapproval of the......
The Magazines
Is the Nineteenth Century for October perhaps the most interesting articles are "A Policy for Central Europe," by Dr. Milan Hodza, and "The Renascence of Persia," by Brig.-Gen.......
General Knowledge Questions
Ours weekly prize of one guinea for the hest thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mrs. E. Barker, 17 Cranmer Road, Cambridge, for the following :— Questions on......
Sir Flinders Petrie's Life-long Services To Egyptology In...
sense are admirably summarized in hls article on " Fifty Years' Experience of Digging," which appears in the current number of Ancient Egypt (Macmillan, 2s.). So much is now......
When Doughty's Arabia Deserta Was Published, It Found Few...
and involved the Cambridge University Press in a heavy loss. In view of these well-remembered facts it is most gratifying to know that Doughty's successor, Mr. Eldon Rutter, has......