THE CHASTE MISTRESS.. By Constance Ragbag Wright. (John Lane. 7s.
6d.)—This very pleasant story tells how Martha Ray, a haberdasher's apprentice of sixteen, attracted by her voice and person the fourth Earl of Sandwich: how he made her his protegee and, when she matured, his mistress : how, eventually, she fell in love with a youngez man : how his Lordship played upon her love for her children, to give him up : and how in his last despair the young man shot her. Mrs. Hagberg Wright is to be congratulated on a charming and level-headed piece of work. She is, perhaps, s little too anzious to show us how well she knows her period, and there aft sometimes more words in a sentence than it needs: but she is very happy with her subject, and the real beauty of Martha Ray's character shines for us steadfastly throughout her story.