A New Series of Articles As a sequel to our
articles " In Defence of the Faith" we shall next week publish the first of a series of articles entitled "The Challenge to Religious Orthodoxy." Those who are in touch with modem thought, especially with that of young people, know that there often exists among those who are notable for sociological or political enthusiasm a considerable hostility to traditional Chris- tianity—or that which its critics suppose it to be In order the better to understand their point of view, we have asked seven writers, chosen as representing the outlook of the younger generation, to discuss with entire frankness such questions as the meaning and value of theism, the nature of faith, and the relation of religion to the education of children, to happiness, and to politics. Each article will be answered the following week from the Christian standpoint. The series will open with a paper on "Irreligion," by Mr. J. D. Bernal, of Cam- bridge, who will be answered by the eminent theologian, Professor N. P. Williams.1 Among the contributors on the attacking side are Mr. Bertrand Russell, Mrs. Williams-Ellis, and Mr. C. E. M. Joad. The defending party includes Canon Elliott, Mr. Shebbeare, and Father Martindale. It is hoped that even those who are repelled by some of the opinions expressed will gain enlightenment and stimulus from this candid exchange of views.
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