12 APRIL 1919, Page 14


LTo THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] there is an intense necessity to secure a permanent and powerful buffer against Teutonic dominance eastward, it is urgent to bring the&chs and the Poles into a friendly union. and thus form a barrier of forty millions of people acting together. But surely this will not be attained by taking from either of these States important territory, including strategic Passes, and valuable coalfields that have been in the possession of that State for six hundred years. In the German historic maps of 1378, Teschen and its district is shown well in the borders of Bohemia. I have juit received a letter from an important Professor, for many years at Cracow (Polish) Uni- versity. He is of Teschen, and is intensely pronged that this old historic district should be cut off from the Cosh rule; the more so, he writes, benause it includes the Jablunka Pass, that links Bohemia with the Slovaks. I have many other letters from Bohemia protesting against this injustice to our Allies, who have worked and fought SP strenuously for us all through the war. There is yet time to remedy this injustice, which, if maintained, will lead to disastrous effects to the unity so necessary between Cocks and Poles.-1 am, Sir, de..