12 APRIL 1919, page 1

One Is Naturally Reminded Of The Stories Which Used To

be told of Disraeli before the signing of the Treaty of Berlin in 1878. Whenever a nasty snag impeded the progress of Disraeli in his difficult negotiations with Bismarck, he......

It May Be, As A Great Many Well-informed Persons Believe,

that a comparatively small but extremely well-equipped force could bring about a collapse of Bolshevism in a short time. If that is not so, the Government ought to act very......

But Though We Expect Nothing Dramatic, And Certainly...

to happen, the very slow progress, of affairs in Paris does give pause to all those who hope for a settlement with the League of Nations in the forefront. Here are the four......

What The Policy Of The Government Is With Regard To

Russia we do not know, and it would not be frank to suggest that we see clearly what it ought to be, for we have not the necessary information. One thing at all events is plain.......

It Would Be Quite Wrong To Regard The Retirement From

Odessa as a great military success for the Bolsheviks. Apparently the retirement has been caused, not by any means as the result of fighting, but because of the difficulty of......

For Look At The Condition Of Europe. One State After

another totters over into the embraces of Bolshevism. This process is not likely to cease while men are hungry and have not the wherewithal for reviving their industries. A......

News Of The Week.

M ESSAGES from Paris during the week have contained a great deal of rumour and very little fact. None of the main points about which public anxiety concerns itself seems to have......

..• The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his beat to return contributions in case of rejection.......