Switzerland During The Great War.
• CTo THE EDITOR OP THE " SPDCTATOR."J SIR,—I have read with much interest the splendid article in your issue of March 8th on " Switzerland during the Great War." From......
Profit-sharing Plus Co-partnership.
[To THE. EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") 5:5,-1 am loth to trespass once more on your courtesy, yet the letters of " A Seeker after Industrial Peace " and Lieutenant Withey in your......
Hollow House-walls.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—I occupied a new house in Montreal for about a year in the winter of 1895-96. It was newly built and comprised two stories of eight......
[to The Editor. Of The " Spectivor."1
Sus,—I have read with very deep interest the letters published in the Spectator on the above subject, and as one who has benefited by working for a company that many years ago......