Sir William Croekes, The Veteran Chemist And Physicist,...
Friday week at the age of-eighty-six. 'He made his reputation as long ago as 1861 by discovering the rare metal thallium, and he followed this up by studies of electric......
Italian Troops Were Landed Laatweek At Adalia, On...
of-Asia Minor, to repress disorders. The province, which the ancients called Pamphylia, was assigned as. a sphere of influence to Italy by the.Treaty.ef London of April, 1915.......
Dr. Addison Went On To Say That He Had Been
disappointed at the slowness of the Local Authorities in preparing schemes for the Board's approval. - He explained it, charitably enough, by the absence of many officials......
The Ease Of " De'keyser's It'oyal Hotel V. The-king,"- In-
which the Court of Appeal on Wednesday decided for the plaintiff, wileranle in the aeries of famous trials in which -English Judges have defended the rights of the'subjeet......
Dr. Addison-in The House Of Commons On Monday Made An
interesting. and hopeful speech on.his new Housing Bill. He estimated that - the war-had - prevented three hundred and fifty thousand workmen's houses from-being built, apd that......
A Further- Stage In The Freeing Of Women Wes Reached
in the Commons on Friday week, when the Women's Emancipation Bill Was-mead a second time without a: division. Its.aim is 'to enable women to .hold- any civil or judicial office;......
When The House Of Lords On Tuesday Gave A Second
reading to the Military Service - Bill, Lordeluckmaster alone opposed it as unnecessary, and suggested that' the Pleet might take over the watch en the Rhine. An ex-Lord......
The Debate -on -the Pill -was Prolonged Till Tuesday, And
showed a general approval of the measure, except on the part of one or two " Single Taxers," who would sacrifice any praetieal reform to the interests of their absurd theory. A......
The Board, Dr. Addison Continued, Had Formed A Special...
for housing purposes under Sir James - Cannichaele The country was divided into eleven districts, in each of which a local Housing Commissioner would give expert advice and......