General Smuts was sent by the Allied Conference to Budapest
Ihetweek to negotiate with the Hungatian Bolsheviks. He invited them to,recognize the Armistice and, the neutral' zone towards Transylvania to which Count Karalyi declined to agree. In return he offered that the blockade .should be raised, and that Hungaey and the other States formerly' part of Austria. Hungary should be asked to confer in regard to their future frontiers. No agreement was reached. The Bolsheviks apparently promised nothing, but welcomed the Conference as an oppor- tunity of disseminating theirruinous doctrines. No noticalanyet been taken of their violatione of-theArmistieeralthough-they ham disarmed the small bodies of French trnopa in.fonnalocoupation of Hungary, have expelled the Allied Missions, and are reported to be preparing to attack Rumania. Yet it is by no means clear that the Bolsheviks,, as such, have -any power outside Budapest. The Magyar Nationalists seem-to beaming. themna a bogy with-which to frighten-the Allies,