12 APRIL 1919, Page 6
Before I deal in detail with the momentous theme which
is the subject of these papers, I must- apologize for. my temerity in undertaking the task:which is before-me,. That I, who am not, and do.not make the slightest. claim to be, a theologian, but am.instead the most:lay oflaymem. should grapple with a theological problem may seem to- partake of the nature off an-. impertinence. I can only plead that it has always .heen,the wise and generous:custom. ad the Church of England-to tolerate the,liberty. ofprophesy-. ing in the laity as, well as in the clergy': and further, that my subject is political, though political in the widest.. and highest sense, rather than ocelesiasticaL.