12 APRIL 1957, Page 30


ACROSS 1. It makes breaking up seem so remote (4, 4). 5. Increase the dancing tempo (4, 2).

9. Naturally one might make it in a pool (5, 3).

10. Leg, Sir? Fish hasn't one-or has it? (6) 12. Where a girl and I finish with love (7).

13. In the matter of division there's nothing left with it (7).

14. Grins at a nice mixture (12).

17. This seems to be what the partners in the bees' 11.

wedding become (12).

22. It's the inland sort that takes so much finding (7). 23. Cues I break with loud intervention (7).

24. The canine tout (6).

25. The desired sequel to I ac. (8).

26. It's popping for the batsman (6).

27. `. . . when I lie in Grecian fields smothered in 21. '(Flecker (8). DOWN Tennyson's airy-fairy character (6).

Launch out from it one could (6).

Arnold's tribute to Cough (7).

'You are an ugly beast,' said Belloc, to one of them (12).

The third sound fiddler (7).

Cupid upset about measure, that's clear enough (8).

Gets ripe (anag.) (8).

Such lethal efforts by the barber would be wasted on the bald (7, 5).

Norfolk streamflows up between smart banks (8).

`Praised be the fathomless - for life and joy' (Whitman) (8).

When upset they search for a negative (7).

Flashy flying sea creatures perhaps (7).

`Just for a - to stick in his coat' (Browning) (6).

Evidently Tony Weller resented being called one (6).




Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the Dc Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on April 23 and addressed: Crossword No. 935, 99 Gower St., London, WCI,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

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Solution on April 26 Solution to No. 933 on page 499

The winners of Crossword No. 933 are: Miss B. A. COPSLY, Marlborough, Wilts, and MRS. B. L. MUIR, Rochdale, Lancs.