12 APRIL 1957, page 18

Mental Healthmanship

is true that at Gloucester, Nottingham, York, Oldham and maybe one or two other places, social psychiatric services have developed as 'isolated ex- periments' in just that......

The Angry Young Man

S1R, — When I agreed to give an interview to the Spectator, it did not occur to me that your repre- sentative would be employing the techniques of the lurid scandal-sheets more......

Sir,—concerning 'pluralities' And 'unions' I Imagine...

indeed any, need to remind Mr. Beaton that we are not living in an ideal world and are not likely to achieve perfection, individually or corporately, on this planet. With regard......

Censorship Sta,—in View Of Your References To The Refusal Of

Smith's bookstalls to handle Randolph Churchill's book, would it interest you to know that this sort of thing is not a new practice? In 1932 my first book, a novel, met a......

Sta,—mr. Kenneth Robinson, Mp, Would Be A More Convincing...

of smearless controversy were it not that in a letter of some 500 words he uses the following phrases amongst others about Dr. Donald Johnson : 'his distorted......

Sir,—in The Closing Paragraph Of Your Leader 'making...

your issue of March 29 occur these words: 'Again, the British farmer may prove to be a stumbling block, though there can be no question of sacrificing the real political and......

Sir, —it's Rather Depressing To See That The .vectator...

the ranks of the dog-don't-eat-dog brigade. I had the impression that the article on John Osborne was written by some seedy little man in a raincoat whose main preoccupation is......