British Judges Have Never Been Renowned For Their...
the occasion when one of them asked, 'Who is Connie Gilchrist?' (Who was she, by the way?) But I shall be surprised if 1957 produces a riper pair of left-handed compliments than......
Scene: Euston Station. Time : 7.30 On Satur- Day Morning.
Witnessed : a group of tammied and kilted Scots, off the night train, debouching into the station yard, singing 'Don't Knock the Rock.' * * *......
A Spectator's Notebook'
THE COMPARISON made by some good judges between Mr. Gaitskell's tactics during the Labour Party split over hydrogen-bomb tests last week and those employed by Lord Attlee on......
* * *
THE PRESENT Government has been widely ac- claimed—and denounced—as European-minded : containing as it does so many Ministers who have been closely linked with the development......
The Trouble With Many Bbc Programmes Is Not That They
are intrinsically bad but that they do not collect an audience large enough to justify their cost. The Third Programme's amputation-warrant has been sealed in the last few years......
In Most Murder Trials I Usually Feel A Certain Sympathy
for the accused, however monstrous the alleged crime and however little he may deserve it, simply because the forces arrayed against him seem so much stronger than he is. In the......
A Long Apologia For The Commons' Use Of Its Privilege
powers appeared in The Times last week: over the signature of L. A. Abraham. Though the address, -House of Commons, was given, it was not stated that Mr. Abraham happens to be......
Mrs. Hullett Was Not Cremated, So The Crown Was Able
to exhume her body and carry out a post- . mortem; and both she and her husband died only last year. Memories about these deaths therefore must still be relatively fresh, and......
Next Week
Owing to the Easter Holiday the Specta- tor will be on sale a day earlier than usual.......
For Over Thirty Years The Bbc Worked On The Premise
that the public could be educated, in time, by the injection of little nuggets of culture into the basic entertainment• slag—the idea being that by the time the listener, or......