Tables Of Measures, Found In Diaries And Exer- Cise Books,
can reveal fascinatingly obscure units of measurement, e.g. 2 firkins=1 kilderkin; strikes=1 sack; 4 lines=1 barleycorn. We also hear of new scientific terms for units of atomic......
hobby. I used to love my garden But now my love is dead,' For I found a bachelor's button In Black-Eyed Susan's bed. The usual prize was offered for a four-line epigram of......
By PHILIDOR No. 97. J. HARTONG (`Jaarbook,' 1952) BLACK (5 men) ' WHITE (6 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problem by......
Spectator Crossword No. 935
ACROSS 1. It makes breaking up seem so remote (4, 4). 5. Increase the dancing tempo (4, 2). 9. Naturally one might make it in a pool (5, 3). 10. Leg, Sir? Fish hasn't one-or has......