Madrid papers and letters to the 3d instant have been
received. Re- ports of dizseurioes in the Regency continue, but there is no specific information given. The answer of the Regents to the manifesto of Don Fraecisto de Paulo is published its the di ad rid Gazette. In the conclusion of their reply they observe—
"It is rupufluous to say that the liege cry cannot he separated from th8 guardian ship, nod to grant the one would Le to prejudice the other. The Provi- sional litguicy tors not exercise the guardium hip. Let not tour Highness believe that cur GidirttiCe of opinimi inters a doubt of your high qualities. To deny a tioitt, is not to deny that the denoted, r is vitality to exeleise that
right. '11.e Repney ccsleetsyour dignity ::el iscniires 3 our but the personal s( Ltino tits of II.e /Lubbers of the lit plies. must nut prevent them from strictly pertotming the duties of their position.'