The Polytechnie Lustitution, Whieh Has Asstundl The Title...
in virtue of a visit from Prince Albert, is reopened to the public for the season. .:'events additional rooms and a new theatre have been added, and the number of curious and Is......
The Spanish Regency Have Issued A Decree Enjoining The...
Juntas to dissolve themselves. their services heintt no Ion eer service- able to the. Central Government. The Jun t a or Saragossa disolved itself on the same day. The Supreme......
The Paris Papers Of Sunday Republished, From The Memorial...
lais, a mite purporting to lie from M. Ferrer, Minister for Foreign Af- fairs of Spain, to M. Guizot, calling on hint, in rattler belligerent terms, for explanation respecting......
The Eastern Question. It Seems, Is Now Settled. On The
21st of November, Connliodore Napier arrived off the port of Alexandria, and sent in Captain Maunsell with a flag of truce, to reopen negotiations. Captain Maunsell's entry into......
L'apers Have Aigin•ed From Cepe 'fee !) To The Teem:
itf September. . 'hey . s ii!i g.: • :ap l o, ' . !„ •; !dive Council std in the leading articles of It.. Hirt....• 7-Sion of the Government paperonotisy, vA;; I. the Hume......
The I'vttrembery Correspondent Of The 4th Instant...
ienna, the 29th November. that a complete plan of military operations for the defence of Germa•iy, in the event of an :Week rel the part of France, had been adopted by the......