12 DECEMBER 1840, page 7
The 'wars In India.
The North-western provinces are still the scene of the greatest interest in India. Dost Mohammed, assisted by the treacherous Walt of Kholum, had assembled a considerable twee.......
Debates In The Fr Ent'll. Ch A.:' , 11fell Or Deputies.
The debate on the address was S..Inr.itty 7■1:er it bad occupied Wo e ., The inejority for 11:y •Miliii.'y iy exceeded the rounhee ; being 241 to 1 raj:. The (11,2 0: the last......
Pr Og It Le. '!' I I Et:11 - .11 N 1 ; The
November overland mail fro .:. I ham serne liicer.ao from. ('Riga to tin. 1tit August, 'Ile expetlitiou of the 11::-.1 to the Northward first t'etnatids attention. The is,:itel......