Mesmehisni: Tiie Okeys.
[We have received the following letter from a correspondent relative to the two girls who have been the chief subjects of Dr. Fatremrsoses experiments iii Animal Magnetism. Our......
The Theatres.
L , lands on eircum- a decent ine -ma—and that secret .; ..1 worth. The ve:y pathos is of a pecu- niary nature : demon • :y bank-note is the love-spell that enthrals the heart......
Money Market.
The nova of the set:mission of MritEstLr ALI, and the general tenour of the advices from India, produced a favourable effect upon the Funds; which were on Tuesday at all......
East India Shipping.
The Glencoe. Keith, front Glasgow to Calcutta, went im share on the night of the 7th instant. near Waterford; and haslecome a total wreck. The Mangalore, 1'r-tu China to......