The Glencoe. Keith, front Glasgow to Calcutta, went im share on the night of the 7th instant. near Waterford; and haslecome a total wreck.
The Mangalore, 1'r-tu China to ,tauten, stink ofillilliton Island, on tlw 2-11.11 August — crew saved. The Crescent, from Singapore to London, sunk near Caramatta Island, on the 21st Angnst—crew saved. The Cite of Edinburgh, from London to Sydney, and Deem Queen, front bantam to Launceston. went on shore near Flinders Island, on the 10;11 and llth July : the latter was expected to be got off.
The Bahamian, front Bengal to Liverpool, has put into the Maur:this leaky, and must discharge part or her cargo.
Arrived—At tiravesend. Dee. 811,, Arabian, Brown, from China; City of Adebtiale, Donol.lson, awn "'lug:more; and Tito. Myth, Hay, from Mauritius; 10th, tjuisaehen, Every. from (Anna. Deal, Itale. 'famed:me, ; Owl Belle A!liance. Dax-
f,rd. from Bengal. At Lis erroul, 9tit, Cleveland, M ■xwe11. from 11,mbay ; 10th, Warrior. Cow, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, Oct. Pith, Cal, mist. Cermn; Alga Lodge. James; .ttel Janet, May. from Bengal. At tile Ca le, Sept, Lth Sulta.,a, Pro-
bin, from Loudon ; 23th. Mary Nixon, Field, from did,:; haunt Oah. M.Daua Item Liverm.ol; and 1.1a, Currie, fr m Newcastle; ::6th, F. Beath, 'ruby, an Vixea,
Palmer; 31111t, .lattet. ; get. 4,1t, Itosolme, liavlo; (nen:Oven, Yours: 5th. Anuabella, Ward; Ctli. Lord Ilungei ford, Pigott ; and 7t1 I. 111.111.11,1 Mu 1111, 1.01..J 111;,e, all Intuit Loudon. At Bombay, previous to 30th 0a%, Amity, Boll ; and Java, Picker- ing, from London. Royal Saxon. Black ; Ann, S:alkley ; IItnhid Scott, Iteation; :and Wham English. from Liverpool. James Morgan, Fergie:oil. from the 1j1)de; and (11111111011e, Prrkclt. 40111 111111. At Madras, previous to :2,:th 0,1„ '!.tvrio.,:ocutarn, HOrkinA. Dom London; loot M:t;edie, Afaiormon, from Newcietle• At 11.114al. Ku' Sloss t, 19111 Oct. n111101111, MAI; Diamond, Taylor; W. Pitt, Roliiii,a1; (teen 0.en-
dower, Teller; coi r.; crent. ; linen, Yaep; and t' loin, Garrett. from London ; Carona, Hay don ; Mithadic, Cromtbrth; and inter-paid, Serb's, from Liverpool; Sappho, Dunlop; and constellation, —, from the Clybe; and Washing. tun, Walker, from Hull. At China, Don, New, from Liverpo 1. At N...W South Wales. Caleb Aug:eh Poole; Lana Rook, aney; :tad Courier, (Staamer.) Lom Loudon.
Sailed—From GeaNeSe1111, Dee. Rth, Sarah, Turnbull, for Bengal; anal 9th, Duke of Brume. Ifarris, Us Bombay. From Liverpool, 5th, Cambria, Roberts al ; and 10th, Tigris, M‘Gill, fur Bengal.