The i'Vttrembery Correspondent of the 4th instant mention,: under date
ienna, the 29th November. that a complete plan of military operations for the defence of Germa•iy, in the event of an :Week rel the part of France, had been adopted by the Austrian and Pruseiiie commissioners. Every reliance was placed the pacific intention; of Klan Louis Phi- lippe and the present Cnhinet of France ; still, fears continued to be entertained that they weuld he unable to master the Denmeratie party, and that the peace of Europe night he again dist :lilted. The military conferences had to a certain extent confirmed theee a;•prehensions, and the Funds consequently declined.
Subscriptions had le•en opened all along the German bank of the Rhine in favour of the victims of the recent inundations in the South of France. The Augsburg Gu:eite, however, olierves that it must not be inferred therefrom that the Germans feel the least sympathy towards France.
The Deputies of the Strttes composing the German Cudoens Union, lately appointed to rust and inquire into the etc edh.;,ey of renewing the bond of union during another period of eVut years, have unani- mously recommended that measure.
The Leipsie Gazette states. that a Ministerial order has been issued at Hanover, on the demand of the reigning Duke of Brunswick, for organizing means of hindering any attempt on the part of Duke Charles to regain power in the Ontelly.
Extract of a letter from Rome, 2ath November, in the FranlArter Jeurna/—"Important changes have been made in our Administration.
Cardina, Gamberiui has been allowed, on account of ill health, to resign
his post of Secretary of State for the Interior. and take the less fatiguing adieus of Prefect of die Signature of Justice, held by the late Cardinal Falzacappa. Cardioal Mattel is apeeieted Minister of the Interior, and his late office of President of the Cemeussioe of Subsidies has been intrusted to Cardinal Ilrignols. The ver is pre\ i:mg upon all
classes has spread general tneurnint,f eicy, and put a stop to ell society. The accounts are le o: eleredue digs they were ; but the physicians represent the malady es iaerdod e than otherwiie."